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Food Going to Waste in Dubai

July 11th, 2013 · No Comments · Dubai, UAE

Dubai seems to be the dateline for many of the planet’s extremes. Biggest, tallest, longest, widest.

Including, it would seem, some of the most egregious examples of food wastage.

In this story in The National, the municipality’s director of waste management reports that more than half of all the waste going to Dubai landfills, this time of year, is uneaten food.

A city with the sort of high temperatures found in Dubai, and which depends heavily on imported comestibles, always is going to have a lot of spoiled food, and around 35 percent of landfill volume is food on any given day, the director said.

The number goes up dramatically during Ramadan, Islam’s fasting month, which began this week.

The Dubai official suggests that consumers should buy food every few days, to offset spoilage inside the home.

A woman identified as a housewife suggests that the Ramadan tradition of sending food to relatives and friends also contributes to more than can be consumed.

The Dubai official seems a bit miffed by what is going on.

He said: “It is ironic that such waste is happening at a time when people should be more in touch with their faith. Islam frowns on wasting God’s blessings, there is no reason for this excess.”


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