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Some Links to Things I’m Filing

August 11th, 2008 · 2 Comments · Beijing Olympics

I’m freelancing my way through these Olympics, and it’s a tough gig. Well, I knew it was, but it’s personal, now. The work to find clients, sell them on something they may not really want, may not be able to afford (especially now), then do the crash course on the topic/person so you can be vaguely informed about them when it’s time to write …

But I digress. The purpose here is link to some of the things I’ve done, so far, that I was paid for. (As opposed to this blog.)

A feature on Charlotte Craig, a tiny teen from Murrieta who has a shot at a taekwondo medal.

A news story on Brenda Shinn, a shooter from Riverside who didn’t finish as well as she hoped.

A feature on a multi-millionaire sailor named John Dale III, the oldest (58) U.S. Olympian. I did this for a website, first time I’ve freelanced to the ether.

And a news story on Valerie Gotay, a Temecula resident who was shattered by failing to get past the round of 16 in judo.

More links as the come along.


2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 nickj // Aug 12, 2008 at 7:20 PM

    more smog posts….either its all clear or nbc isnt showing it…is it bad still or what? keep em coming!

  • 2 DPope // Aug 15, 2008 at 9:53 AM

    Writing for the PE? Who would have ever thought of it?

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