Just a random thought that struck me, today.
Jeremy Mayfield could be to NASCAR what Jose Canseco has been to baseball.
Guy being blackballed by his sport … been around it a long time … caught up (apparently) with some seedy stuff (Canseco admits to using steroids; Mayfield denies using meth) … and in position to do some serious damage to the sport by shifting into “I’ve got nothin’ to lose” tell-all mode.
Mayfield has the capacity to be that sort of loose cannon. It doesn’t make him a good guy or a bad guy, if he goes that way.
But remember: Most all the negative/scandalous things Canseco said and wrote about baseball have turned out to be accurate.
Will that be the case with Jeremy Mayfield?
Let’s wait a year or two and see. Maybe after the book comes out.
2 responses so far ↓
1 J.P. Hoornstra // Jul 20, 2009 at 12:33 PM
There’s a comparison there, based on what you’re looking at.
I look Canseco as a guy who never should have made it past the minors were it not for his steroid use. Mayfield is a naturally talented driver who probably has a serious but non-sports-related drug addiction.
Once Mayfield’s tell-all book comes out, I’m sure they’ll be best buds.
2 soccer goals // Jul 24, 2009 at 4:00 PM
Steroids kill!
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