Yes, weather is boring.
But sometimes we have to share.
Like this morning, when the UAE awoke to a storm (!) hovering over the country, one thick enough to 1) block the sun and 2) lead to a temperature at daybreak that amazed those of us who have lived here for any length of time.
69 degrees Fahrenheit!
Or 20.5 degrees Celsius!
And look! I took a photo of the weather site’s page on my screen, above, to prove it was under 70 degrees here.
We tend to forget this, after the endless UAE summer, but it does get a teensy bit cool here, eventually, as can be seen on this monthly chart.
The average low will get all the way down to 56, in January, when the average high is a wonderful 74 and Europeans will be flocking here to see some sun.
But it has been so very long since it seemed anything but toasty (since March), I was moved to note it.
I may be back if/when it gets down to 59.
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