How many times has global soccer gone through this over the past 30 years? Three times? Four? England, standing prepared to stage, on short notice, what appears to be a possibly amateurish — or scandal-tainted — World Cup. Most recently, it was Russia 2018. This time it is Qatar 2022, the World Cup that has […]
Entries Tagged as 'Football'
England’s Idle Dream of Displacing Qatar in 2022
August 2nd, 2018 · No Comments · Football, Russia 2018, soccer, The National, UAE, World Cup
Zlatan Ibrahimovic: Too Good for MLS
July 30th, 2018 · No Comments · English Premier League, Football, soccer
Two things we have learned over the first half of the 2018 Major League Soccer season: –Zlatan Ibrahimovic is the most exciting player in the league. –Zlatan Ibrahimovic is the most underpaid player in the league. Generic soccer fans probably knew about the first bit of information, and if they did not his three-goal match […]
Mid-July? Sports Scene Hits Bottom, Bounces Back Big
July 22nd, 2018 · No Comments · Baseball, Dodgers, Football, France, Golf, Motor racing, soccer, World Cup
The nadir was Wednesday morning, July 18. As I rolled out of bed, this is what was in the “scoreboard” bar of the homepage: –The final score of the baseball All-Star game. –A result from an NBA summer league game. –And two scores from the WNBA. Yes, which still exists. And that was it. […]
Day 2 of the Two-Star Era: France Celebrates
July 16th, 2018 · No Comments · Fifa, Football, France, Russia 2018, soccer, World Cup
No one will ever accuse France of not sufficiently celebrating its second World Cup championship. Quicker than you can say “Kylian Mbappe”, every piece of national-team apparel seemed to have that second star on it. For those not familiar with the “star” system in international football, a team is entitled to wear on the jersey, […]
Today’s List: The Five Best World Cup Finals
July 15th, 2018 · No Comments · Football, France, Lists, Russia 2018, soccer, World Cup
Russia 2018 is over. It was France 4, Croatia 2 in the championship match, and the final whistle had barely been blown before some pundits were suggesting it was the best World Cup final in the history of the event. Granted, six goals is a good place to start. That is as many goals as […]
Croatia Needs to Get a Goal
July 14th, 2018 · No Comments · Fifa, Football, France, Russia 2018, soccer, World Cup
A twist on a post from last week. I wanted a France-England final to the 2018 World Cup, and I think most soccer fans did, too, and I posted to that effect. The headline to that one was: Croatia Needs to Get Out of the Way Since I went unheeded by Croatia, which came back […]
Soccer Blights: Diving and Referee Abuse
July 13th, 2018 · No Comments · Fifa, Football, Russia 2018, soccer, World Cup
Most of the 2018 World Cup has been entertaining. Or at least interesting. Not often we get to see the likes of Iceland, Morocco, Egypt and Panama in the tournament, and see what they are all about. A case can be made that many of the traditional powers had crummy tournaments — and we are […]
Croatia Needs to Get Out of the Way
July 11th, 2018 · 1 Comment · English Premier League, Fifa, Football, France, Russia 2018, soccer, World Cup
I have no personal beefs with Croatia. I was there once, for part of a day, as a member of the U.S. journalists’ traveling party heading for the Sarajevo Winter Olympics, in 1984. We flew from New York to Zagreb, and then organizers put us on buses to downtown Zagreb, where we were seated at […]
The Making of an American Soccer Guy
July 9th, 2018 · 2 Comments · Budapest, Fifa, Football, Newspapers, Russia 2018, soccer, Sports Journalism, World Cup
I never played soccer as a child. Never saw a match. Didn’t own a soccer ball. Never knew anyone who followed the game. The extent of my pre-adult exposure to soccer probably was occasional videotape on ABC’s Wide World of Sports; presumably World Cup highlights; lots of Pele. By the early 1980s, I was the […]
England and World Cup Trophy: ‘Coming Home’?
July 8th, 2018 · No Comments · English Premier League, Football, Russia 2018, soccer, World Cup
England and its relationship to its soccer team has mostly been unhealthy since, say, 1966 — when England won its first and only World Cup championship. During the 30 years that I covered international soccer, 1986 to 2015, I saw England and its team muddle through the same scenario every four years. It was an […]