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Friday the 13th … Times Two

February 13th, 2015 · No Comments · Abu Dhabi, The National, UAE

Friday the 13th does not come up much in the UAE.

In the U.S., certainly, hardly a Friday the 13th can go by without media taking note.

Watch out! Bad things can happen! Snicker-snicker. Just kidding! Not really!

Arabs apparently don’t worry much about the number 13 landing on a Friday. Which makes sense, given that one theory on why Friday the 13th is considered unlucky, in the West, is from the number of people at The Last Supper — Jesus and 12 disciples, one of whom was going to betray him — and Friday, the day Jesus was crucified.

So, you may have all the Friday the 13th information you can want. But just in case you don’t …

This is the rare year with consecutive Friday the 13th-ss.

It happens when February has a Friday the 13th — as long as it is not a Leap Year — when February has 29 days.

Because the first four weeks of March have the same days/dates as does a 28-day February. And if a non-Leap-Year February has a Friday the 13th, March will, too.

So get ready.

Superstitions are curious things. Most cultures seem to have plenty. In most of China, “4” is considered an unlucky number. I have been in tall buildings, in Hong Kong, that do not have floors numbered 4, 14, 24, etc.

Just as some buildings in the West number floors 10, 11, 12, 14 … and some planes do not have an aisle numbered 13.

The National has done the occasional story about superstitions and how Arabs don’t worry about Friday the 13th.

In theory, some superstitions attach themselves to Arab culture, at least according to this site.

So, Fridays the 13th upcoming? In four weeks. Then again in November.

Three in one year is a lot, if you consider that the 13th can be one of seven days, which means that in 12 months the odds are that we will have 1.7 Fridays the 13th.

We will have only one next year, and for the rest of the decade (through 2020), we will not have more than two.

Seems only fair, since we had three in 2012, too.

What did we do on Friday the 13th? One of us didn’t notice, till it was mentioned, in the evening. But, overall, we did nothing. Didn’t leave the apartment. If trouble was going to come, it was going to have to get inside the door.

As usual, nothing happened. So why are we talking about this? Because we do.


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