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Getting Away from Baseball’s Graveyard Shift

November 3rd, 2016 · No Comments · Baseball, Dodgers, France

For nearly a month, I burned the midnight oil.

Or, actually, more like the 3-5 a.m. oil.

That is what comes from watching (live), from the other side of the Atlantic, the latter stages of the 2016 baseball playoffs and World Series.

All but a handful of games I watched had 8:08 p.m (EDT) starts. Which was 2:08 a.m. in France.

As a fan, I was working the graveyard shift.

Staring at a laptop in a darkened living room. Propped up at one end of the couch. Allowing my circadian rhythms to get scrambled.

Eventually, I did this often enough that I was regularly waking up at 3 a.m. or so, in plenty of time to see the final four or five innings of the late games, most of which finished before dawn broke here in Europe — allowing me to go to bed and get another hour or two of sleep.

The following night, I typically slipped into a coma at about 11 p.m. here and got about four hours before I woke for my date with the Dodgers-Cubs National League Championship Series … followed by the Cubs-Indians World Series.

I saw at least a bit of 13 games, and all but the first two at-bats of Game 7 of the World Series — which took me from the darkest night right into daybreak.

As it turned out, I was happy that I paid $25 to Major League Baseball to get their “outside the U.S.” internet package. That $25 worked out to about $2 per game. It also allowed me to give up “watching” via updating boxscores on, which is just kinda pathetic.

Thus, I saw probably as much live baseball in a period of about three weeks as I had watched in the past seven years, while living in Abu Dhabi and in France.

Tonight, I don’t have a date with MLB. The season is over, and it is a bit of a relief. Maybe I can sleep six or seven hours straight, for the first time since mid-October. Who knows, might be life-changing.

But I still might miss those middle-of-the-night rendezvouses with Joe Buck, John Smoltz and MLB.

Might be looking at the season package, come April of 2017. Late-night dates and all.



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