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Maybe Your Desk Job Isn’t So Bad

April 8th, 2011 · No Comments · Abu Dhabi, UAE

My daughter sent me a link containing a slide show with photos from around the world of employees sitting behind their desks.

If you have a desk job, and most of us do, you might find it interesting to compare the setting around your office work and those all over the planet, from Bolivia to China.

Where can you see this?

Find the link here.

I love the first one, of the woman in India surrounded by mountains of paperwork. I have never been to India, but I live among nearly 2 million Indians, here in the UAE, and Abu Dhabi is barely over three hours from Mumbai. And what I hear, over and again, is that the bureaucracy in India is famously corrupt.

So, desk jobs everywhere … seems like they can be dreary. I found myself almost cheered  by the photo from Russia where the woman has what appears to be her own personal water cooler.


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