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Satirist Turns Critic, and He’s Got a Point

May 6th, 2009 · No Comments · NFL, Sports Journalism

DJ Gallo is’s resident humorist. Well, actually, I don’t know that he works for them full-time, which is what a “resident” would do, since he also does a sports satire site that goes by the name of

Doesn’t seem like you’d run your own humor Web site if someone else were paying you for full-time work.

Anyway, here he takes on the topic of Tom Brady, New England Patriots quarterback, and doesn’t just do the usual satirists hit-and-run riff. (And satire is difficult enough. Comedy is hard to write, as any writer — and most readers — know.

But here he has veered off into something more like a straightforward sports column, with comedic undertow.

His thesis: That Tom Brady will never again be a great quarterback because he is 1) coming off major knee surgery, 2) already has three Super Bowl rings and 3) is making lifestyle decisions inconsistent with the kind of single-minded mania required to be a successful professional athlete. That he is stopping to smell far too many roses (while wearing very silly clothes), etc.

Check out DJ Gallo’s take here. 

And note that it generated more than 100 responses, which is impressive, considering DJ Gallo rarely makes the home page. That is, he has touched a nerve among Patriots and NFL fans.

Oh, and a bonus Gallo link: A snarky bit about sports reporter Selena Roberts, personal nightmare for Alex Rodriguez and author of a new book that makes a lot of allegations … but doesn’t exactly prove them to the nth degree of persuasiveness.


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