Give me another six months, and I’ll come up with 10 more.
10. Indian food. India has 1.1 billion people. It has all sorts of cuisine. I do believe we have ’em all here, somewhere in town. Indian has replaced Mexican, in my universe.
9. Trash removal. Garbage. Rubbish, as the Brits would say. Every street has its own little dumpster (the Brits call them “skips”; go figure) … and every dumpster in the city is dumped (not “skipped”) into a big truck every day. Pretty impressive. Pretty important, too, cuz we generate a lot of trash and you don’t want it sitting out in the heat here.
8. Brotherhood of man. This place is a mini-UN. Lots of places in the world, you get two ethnicities on the same block, you’ve got trouble. Here? No. One theory is that everyone needs their job and, thus, doesn’t get out of line. Or maybe it’s just a neutral site, like a dog park, and no one feels all territorial.
7. Luxury cars. This is not my bag, as we said during the Austin Powers Era, but if you want to buy a luxury car … we’ve got them on every corner. Disposable cash, car culture, speed maniacs, nirvana for upper-end car salesmen. Lots of really nice rides on the streets. Especially if you like luxury SUVs.
6. Invisible cops. There is a sense that no one gets too far out of line here without the authorities coming down pretty quickly, but meantime … I have gone several consecutive days without seeing a police car or a police man (as far as I know). And I live across the street from the main police station. In my hometown, cops run their sirens late at night just to let you know they’re out there.
5. They get things done. A 30-story building? Give ’em a month. A new airport? Done and done. The world’s eighth-biggest mosque, a monster new motor racing track, an enormous 10-star (give or take) hotel, a freeway tunnel through the heart of the city? The ruling family says, “Get after it,” and it happens. A can-do spirit to the nth degree.
4. Personal services. I wrote about this a few weeks ago. Anything that pertains to a person working … is amazingly cheap. This may not be great for the individual dispensing the personal services, but a maid, a driver, a nanny, a barber, a masseuse — way inexpensive. To the point that a middle-class person can imagine using these services.
3. Free soccer! The UAE Pro League, or at least the neighborhood team here, charges nothing to let you watch them play. No charge for parking, no charge for tickets. No tickets, actually. You just walk in and watch several guys making millions of dollars. And the team is good; second in a 12-team league. For free. What a concept. Might be the same at the city’s other team, Al Wahda.
2. Free medical care. It’s a law in the emirate. Every employer must provide free health care to every employee. I’m not worrying about getting hit by a truck here … well, of course, I don’t want to be hit by a truck … but if I survive, it will cost me nothing to recuperate in a hospital.
1. Air-conditioning. On an hourly basis, this is a critical concept. AC! It was 106 degrees yesterday. Yes. On April 9. It shouldn’t be 106 in April anywhere on the planet. But it was here. AC is crucial to … not passing out while sitting in the back of a cab. The rumor is that all cars here are sold with extra-heavy-duty AC. I haven’t been under the hood of a car, but a big compressor? A monster blower? And every building, everywhere, at all times, is running the AC. If you align your cabs correctly, you can get through a 106-degree day spending only about 45 seconds actually in the 106.
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