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Today’s Random Event: The ‘HW’ Bush Question

August 10th, 2008 · No Comments · Beijing Olympics

So, I’m walking out of the press seating area in the arena to go fetch my computer in the work room … when this really preppy guy in a dark blue blazer walks right up to me and says ..

“Are there any American reporters in here?!?”

Like, with some urgency. (And why did he ask me? Out of a press crowd of, oh, 200? Do I look that American? Maybe I do.)

And I said, “Well, yeah, I’m an American, but I don’t know squat about this sport.”

And the youngish (late-20s?) guy says, “former President Bush is here right now, sitting down below, and he wants to know if any more Americans will compete any time soon. I can’t find anyone who can tell me!”

Now, this kid must have been hired to hang with George the First for his charm, or people skills, because even a dope can look at a bracket sheet — and he was carrying one — and been able to figure out who was coming up.

So I said, “yeah, there’s one more American out there. A guy.”

And I take the bracket sheets from him, and show him the name of Ryan Reser, from Dallas, and he is coming up in, maybe two more matches.

“How long will that be?” he asked, still agitated.

I shrugged. “Maybe 10 minutes?”

Said the kid: “I will tell the president.”

And off he bustled. He was too dorky to be a Secret Service agent. Must have been some personal assistant.

Anyway, I’ve never had someone end a conversation with me with the words, “I will tell the president.”

Pretty random moment. Yeah.

And, no, I can’t see Herbert Walker Bush from where I’m sitting.


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