I have been looking at this thing every day for years now. However long I have used Firefox as my browser. And I have no recollection of making that choice, so it has been a while.

I don’t go looking for it. It waits for me, lying in ambush when I log in.
The message is delivered by the official, totally confusing creature that wants to tell me about how a site I requested cannot be found.
I can always find The Creature if I click on a tab that, the previous time I was online, I visited espn.com. Like, I fall asleep with my laptop in my lap (where else would it be?), and when I come around, espn has turned into this creepy blob/slug-like thing attempting to tell me I cannot get into espn.com.
(A couple of clicks, and I’m out.)
However, after all the years of staring at that thing, trying to figure out if it has a face, arms, a tail … well, today I looked at a few websites and found one … at reddit.com …that attempts to do some ‘splainin’.
Here, go have a look.
The last time I remember being puzzled by a logo/image like that was during the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona.

That was when organizers chose an image of what was supposed to look like a Catalan sheepdog “in Cubist style and designed by Javier Mariscal — inspired by the interpretations of Picasso of a masterpiece from Velázquez, Las Meninas.”
(Get all that?)
The dog’s nose is nowhere near any other facial feature. The dog also has exactly three hairs. In all usages.
Anyway, Cobi is interesting, but compared to the Firefox creature the cubist image looks like a painstakingly exact replication. A photo, if you would.
If you went to the first link (above) you saw The Creature and the suggestions from others about what it is.
Someone who claims to know about Firefox suggested the company likes to use dinosaur images, and that is what we are looking at. A dinosaur.
So, yes, legs, tiny arms, a tail, two eyes, a mouth and a nose. A dinosaur. Of course! The diagram should make it easier. Art!
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