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Who Is Going to Do This for Klinsmann?

May 24th, 2014 · 1 Comment · Football, Landon Donovan, soccer, World Cup

I will be writing more about Landon Donovan and Jurgen Klinsmann, and his monstrous remake of the U.S. team but, meantime, here are a couple of videos you might enjoy.

The first is Andres Cantor’s call of Donovan’s goal in the waning minutes of the game with Algeria at South Africa 2010, the one that won the group for the Yanks.

Please note how Landon reacts instantly to the throw out from goal by Tim Howard, and then how the four attacking Americans spread out, filling “lanes” like a basketball team on a fastbreak.

The second?

That’s a nice video of the key American players talking about the end of that game, and how they were desperate to score, and Landon speaks right up front. As always, measured, thoughtful, making a point of spreading the credit to teammates.

If you have never heard him speak for any length, that’s pretty much him. He is a bit lighter, off camera, but he tends to speak slowly, measuring his words, and when you’re done speaking with him you realize (among other things) he has a bigger vocabulary than your basic British yob playing in the Premier League.


1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Doug // May 25, 2014 at 6:17 PM

    I’m a long-time Landon fan and I was shocked Klinsmann didn’t name him to the final 23. However. before commenting, I wanted to see how Landon played tonight vs. Philadelphia. Maybe Klinsmann was right and Landon was too slow and too old. Two goals and an assist showed he’s still got a lot left to offer. The crowd displayed banners reading “If there are 23 players better than Landon we have a chance to win the World Cup.” The crowd also gave Landon a standing ovation when he left the match in the 82nd minute. Klinsmann is the manager and has the right to select whomever he wants, but IMHO the idea that Landon shouldn’t be on the plane to Brazil is ridiculous.

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